- Power Semiconductor Simulation: For the simulation of power semiconductors, modern and powerful CentOS servers with more than 100 processor cores and several terabytes of RAM are available, running TCAD simulators.
- Basic Research: Six test cells with DC voltage up to 5.5kV and up to 120kW supply power are available, equipped with the latest measuring technology such as fiber-optically isolated probes and 8-channel oscilloscopes.
- Power Cycling Tests: For load cycling tests and Zth tests, two test containers with 50kW supply power each, extensive endurance test control, and evaluation are available.
- Converter Control: In addition to extensive simulation using PLECS and MATLAB Simulink, control concepts can be tested on model current converters in the 50V class.
- Grid Control: The wind turbine emulators can be connected to form a large grid with various rotating loads to test novel control methods for grid formation. An OPAL grid simulator is available for this purpose.
Test bench „Netzstabilisierende Umrichterregelung für Windenergieanlagen“
Maintaining the stability of the electrical grid is a task that is managed by both producers and consumers. One contribution to stabilization is provided by so-called grid services. In the current grid configuration, these services are primarily delivered by conventional power plants. These functions include immediate reserve, as well as primary and secondary control.
The impacts of grid-friendly regulation on the design of a wind turbine, particularly the mechanical components and the drivetrain, are to be experimentally investigated using a test stand. The wind turbine itself is simulated using ISLE converters, which allows for the configuration of various grid setups and impedances. Various loads, such as asynchronous and synchronous machines, can also be operated on this grid. The lab grid operates in the low-voltage range and possesses high flexibility.
The test stand is used for researching new and existing major industry topics. The focus is on the interaction between converter-fed grids and their controllers, making it one of the most current issues and challenges in the power grid with renewable generators.
The facility is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (funding period 2014-2020).