Welcome to the Institute for Electrical Power Engineering

The institute conducts both teaching and research about various issues of electrical power engineering - from the generation of electrical power in thermal and wind power plants, the analysis of the system behaviour of the electrical power supply grid, the isolation properties and the thermal dimensioning of high voltage and high current devices to the point of electrical drive engineering. The energy transition followed by an increasing percentage of volatile and renewable energies, the necessary extension of the electrical grid, the connection of offshore wind parks, the storage of electrical energy and the electro mobility are not only widely discussed Issues in society but also the main issues of research at the institute. There are a lot of possibilities for partnerships with companies and organisations both national and international due to the huge demand for research. Hence the institute can offer topics for student projects and thesis referring to current industrial issues regularly. In terms of teaching the institute offers a variety of modules for bachelor and master studies in electrical engineering. Furthermore the institute offers courses for computational engineering students, mechanical engineering students, industrial engineering students and student teachers. The main building is situated at the Südstadt campus in Albert-Einstein-Str. 2 close to the other institutes for electrical engineering and the institute for mechanical engineering.


A short paper about the history of our institute (only german) can be read here