
MoWiLife is a Horiozon Europe project led by the Chair of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives at the University of Rostock. Nine partners from six European countries are working on the application of SiC power semiconductors in energy technology, condition and health monitoring for such converters and on diamond power semiconductors for maximum efficiency.  

Basis for the four MoWiLife pilots is a 2.3 kV SiC MOSFET, ... more


SysStab 2030 is a large research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, focused on system stability through market-based system services and technical minimum requirements for future electrical installations. The Chair of Power Electronics ... more


ViTA-LE is a research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action aimed at improving the prediction of the lifespan of power electronics for renewable energy generation. In the subproject at the University of Rostock, research focuses on how to enhance the durability of IGBT modules, whose weakest point is in power cycling ... more



In a future interconnected electrical grid that is predominantly fed from renewable generators, offshore wind farms will have to take over the role of today's power plants as large generators. To do this, they must work in a grid-forming or grid-supporting capacity. In this project, the requirements for offshore wind farms that are connected to the interconnected grid via high-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) will be considered in the short time range ... more



High-Performance HVDC is a research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action aimed at improving the efficiency of converters for high-voltage direct current transmission. The greatest lever for both improving efficiency and reducing investment costs of HVDC converters is ... more


In the GridConWiIG project, grid-supportive and grid-forming control methods for wind turbines with doubly-fed induction generators are being researched. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action based on a resolution of the German Bundestag. The project coordinator is the Chair of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives at the University of Rostock, with partners including Nordex and ... more



LHUVkraft is a project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action aimed at increasing the power density of converters for wind turbines. The trend toward higher power levels in wind turbines remains unbroken. This is the only way to achieve expansion targets and the necessary reduction in electricity generation costs from renewable energy sources 'onshore,' given the limited availability of sites. With increasing tower height and power, current system designs foresee the transformer and all power electronics ... more


The DisrupSys project aims to research and develop angle-based interconnected grid operation in converter-dominated energy supply systems while maintaining the active and reactive power balance. The focus is on how the interconnected grid can be transformed ... more