Publications oft the institute for High Voltage and High Current Technologies in books/magazines/conferences

25 Uhrlandt, D.; Najam, A.; Gött, G.; Methling, R.; Baeva, M.; Gortschakow, S.; Gonzalez, D.
Electrical models of arcs in different applications
Plasma Phys. Technol. 11 (2024) 28
24 De la Hoz, M.; Pieterse, P. J.; Etxegarai, A.; Gonzalez, D.; Mazon, A. J.; Uhrlandt, D.
Comparison of corona effect prediction criteria on sphere-plane configuration
High Volt. 9 (2024) 957-969
23 Baeva, M.; Methling, R.; Gonzalez, D.; Uhrlandt, D.; Gortschakow, S.; Ehrhardt, A.; Schmausser, S.; Schneider, O.
Complementary Experimental and Simulation-based Characterization of Transient Arcs
Plasma Phys. Technol. 10 (2023) 56
22 Najam, A.; Methling, R.; Hummel, J.; Gonzalez, D.; Uhrlandt, D.
Electrical and Optical Investigation of an Electric Arc in Hydrogen for short gaps
Plasma Phys. Technol. 10 (2023) 73
21 Arumugam, S.; Haba, Y.; Pieterse, P. J.; Uhrlandt, D.; Kosleck, S.
Influence of Water Ingress on Surface Discharges Occurring on the Silicone Gel Encapsulated Printed Circuit Boards Developed for Deep-Sea Applications
Energies 16 (2023) 5353
20 Methling, R.; Franke, S.; Uber, C.; Barbu, B.; Berger, F.; Hilbert, M.; Uhrlandt, D.
Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Cadmium Dominated Discharges Applied for Assessment of Explosion Protection
Plasma Phys. Technol. 10 (2023) 47
19 Gortschakow, S.; Gonzalez, D.; Methling, R.; Uhrlandt, D.; Lawall, A.; Taylor, E. D.; Graskowski, F.
Influence of Electrode Surface Evolution on the Properties of High-current Vacuum Arcs in Switching Applications
Plasma Phys. Technol. 10 (2023) 5
18 Methling, R.; Schmausser, S.; Kellermann, M.; Ehrhardt, A.; Gortschakow, S.; Uhrlandt, D.; Gonzalez, D.
Optical Investigation of a Spark Gap for DC Protection around Current Zero
Plasma Phys. Technol. 10 (2023) 154
17 Uber, C.; Franke, S.; Barbu, B.; Hilbert, M.; Berger, F.; Uhrlandt, D.; Lienesch, F.
Correlation between the electrical power of a slow contact break discharge and the ignition of an H2/air mixture
J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 74 (2022) 104620
16 Baeva, M.; Boretskij, V. F.; Gonzalez, D.; Methling, R.; Murmantsev, O.; Uhrlandt, D.; Veklich, A.
Unified modelling of low-current short-length arcs between copper electrodes
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 025203
15 Baeva, M.; Methling, R.; Uhrlandt, D.
Unified modelling of tig microarcs with evaporation from copper anode
Plasma Phys. Technol. 8 (2021) 1-4
14 Uber, C.; Franke, S.; Hilbert, M.; Uhrlandt, D.; Lienesch, F.
Untersuchung des Übergangs von elektrischen Kontaktöffnungsentladungen zur Flammfront eines H2-Luft-Gemisches
tm-Tech. Mess. 88 (2021) 633-639
13 Gonzalez, D.; Franke, S.; Gortschakow, S.; Methling, R.; Uhrlandt, D.
Observed Oscillating Anodic Plasma Plume Phenomena in High Current Vacuum Arcs
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 49 (2021) 2498-2504
12 Gortschakow, S.; Franke, S.; Methling, R.; Gonzalez, D.; Uhrlandt, D.; Popov, S.; Batrakov, A.
Advanced Optical Diagnostics for Characterization of Arc Plasmas
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 49 (2021) 2505-2515
11 Simon, M.; Mokrov, O.; Sharma, R.; Reisgen, U.; Zhang, G.; Gött, G.; Uhrlandt, D.
Validation of evaporation-determined model of arc-cathode coupling in the peak current phase in pulsed GMA welding
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 (2021) 105204
10 Baeva, M.; Uhrlandt, D.; Loffhagen, D.
Unified modelling of non-equilibrium microarcs in atmospheric pressure argon: potentials and limitations of one-dimensional models in comparison to two-dimensional models
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59 (2020) SHHC05
09 Franke, S.; Methling, R.; Uhrlandt, D.; Gortschakow, S.; Reichert, F.; Petchanka, A.
Arc temperatures in a circuit breaker experiment from iterative analysis of emission spectra
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 (2020) 385204
08 Zhang, G.; Goett, G.; Uhrlandt, D.
Study of the anode energy in gas metal arc welding
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 (2020) 395202
07 Goett, G.; Gericke, A.; Henkel, K.-M.; Uhrlandt, D.
Determining the arc temperature in submerged arc welding using the Bartels method
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 (2020) 435208
06 Zhang, G.; Gött, G.; Uhrlandt, D.; Lozano, P.; Sharma, R.
A simplified voltage model in GMAW
Weld. World 64 (2020) 1625-1634
05 Methling, R.; Khakpour, A.; Götte, N.; Uhrlandt, D.
Ablation-Dominated Arcs in CO2 Atmosphere - Part I: Temperature Determination near Current Zero
Energies 13 (2020) 4714
04 Methling, R.; Götte, N.; Uhrlandt, D.
Ablation-Dominated Arcs in CO2 Atmosphere - Part II: Molecule Emission and Absorption
Energies 13 (2020) 4720
03 Baeva, M.; Loffhagen, D.; Becker, M. M.; Siewert, E.; Uhrlandt, D.
Plasma parameters of microarcs towards minuscule discharge gap
Contrib. Plasma Phys. 60 (2020) e202000033
02 Bigelmayr, M.; Pieterse, P.; Uhrlandt, D.
Energy dissipation and efficiency of exploding stainless steel wires of various lengths and diameters
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2020) 045202
01 Najam, A.; Pieterse, P.; Uhrlandt, D.
Electrical Modelling of Switching Arcs in a Low Voltage Relay at Low Currents
Energies 13 (2020) 6377