Bachelor lectures
Grundlagen der Elektrischen Antriebe
Sommer semester, (4. Semester), 6 CP,
Prof. Eckel,
Lecture, exercise, lab course
- Operation of important electrical machines (DC machine, synchronous machine, induction machine)
- Calculation of electrical and mechanical quantities in steady-state operating points
- Speed control methods
Grundlagen der Elektrischen Energietechnik
Sommer semester, (4. semester), 6 CP,
Prof. Eckel, Prof. Cai,
Lecture, exercise, lab course
Operation of important electrical machines (DC machine, synchronous machine, induction machine)
Calculation of electrical and mechanical quantities in steady-state operating points
Speed control methods"
Grundlagen der Leistungselektronik
Winter semester, (5. semester), 6 CP,
Prof. Eckel,
Lecture, exercise, lab course
- Power semiconductors: Diodes, MOSFET, IGBT, Thyristor
- Grid-connected converters: Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers
- Self-commutated converters: Buck converter, Boost converter, Pulse-width modulated inverter with electrical and thermal design
Elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe
Sommer semester, (6. Semester), 6 CP,
Prof. Eckel,
Lecture, simulation task
- Vehicle concepts
- Vehicle dynamics and resistances
- Drive motors for vehicles
- Converters and energy storage
Elektrische Energieversorgung
Sommer semester, (5. Semester), 6 CP,
Prof. Cai,
Lecture, exercise, lab course
- Economic aspects of electrical power supply
- Representation of the electrical power supply system for balanced operation
- Load flow and short-circuit calculation (methods and convergence)
- Operating behavior of three-phase lines (wave propagation in three-phase systems)