Veröffentlichungen in Büchern, Fachzeitschriften und Tagungsmaterialien des Lehrstuhls Leistungstelektronik und Elektrische Antriebe

263 Acharya, V., Eckel, H.-G.
Single- and Double Gate Desaturated Turn-off of IGBTs for Reduced Turn-off Energy Losses
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2024
262 Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G.
1.7 kV Si-SiC Hybridschalter - Pulsmuster beim Abschalten
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2024
261 Hildebrandt, M. Neumann, Ch. Hammes, N. Schütt, M. Eckel, H.-G
Control of an MMC-Based HVDC Link for Offshore Wind Farms to Enable Reliable Ancillary Service Provision via Wind Turbines
Wind Integration Workshop 2024
260 Neumann, Ch. Eckel, H.-G.
Grid-Forming Control and Operational Strategies for Offshore Wind Turbines Incorporating Electrical and Mechanical Modelling
Wind Integration Workshop 2024
259 Hildebrandt, M. Neumann, Ch. Hammes, N. Eckel, H.-G
A Comparative Study for an Overall Grid-Forming System of HVDC and Offshore Wind Farm to Emulate Conventional Power Plants
VDE ETG Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung 2024
258 Kayser, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Improved Short-Circuit Type II Behavior of a 1.7 kV Si-SiC Hybrid Switch
ECCE 2024 Europe
257 Paez, A. Neumann, Ch. Prignitz, C. Almunem, K. Eckel, H.-G.
Enhancing Electrical Grid Stability through Grid-Forming for DFIG-Based Wind Turbines
ECCE 2024 Europe
256 Chen, J. Schütt, M. Eckel, H.-G.
Improved LVRT Capability for Current Source and Voltage Source Converter based DFIGs
ECCE 2024 Europe
255 Wang. H. To, P. H. T. Kayser, F. Sawallich, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Challenges in Scaling SiC Single-Chip Measurements to Corresponding Power Modules
PCIM Europe 2024
254 Fuhrmann, J. Siddiqui, F. Ploetz, T.-M. Eckel, H.-G.
Optimized Half-Bridge Gate-Drive with low Time-Skew for RC-IGBTs and SiC-MOSFET Dead-Time
Control PCIM Europe 2024
253 To, P. H. T. Wang, H. Sawallich, F. Kayser, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Dead Time Optimization for High-Power SiC MOSFET Module in Consideration of Parasitic Components
PCIM Europe 2024
252 Sawallich, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Eigenanregung von instabilen Oszillationen am SiC Einzelchip
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2023
251 Gierschner, M. Eckel, H.-G.
Current Limitation for Angle Control of Grid-Side Converters European
Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
250 Sawallich, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Mitigating Inter-Chip Oscillation of paralleled SiC MOSFETs
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
249 Kayser, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Event-Triggered Gate Drive for a 1.7 kV Si-SiC Hybrid Switch with IGBT-like Short-Circuit Robustness
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
248 Rooholahi, B. Siwakoti, Y. Blaabjerg, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Performance Analysis of A New High Step-Up Boost-Buck-Boost Interleaved Converter for Bipolar LVDC Applications
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
247 Chen, J. Schütt, M. Eckel, H.-G.
Comparative Evaluation of Grid Connected Current Source and Voltage Source Inverters for Wind Turbines
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
246 Paez, A. Neumann, Ch. Eckel, H.-G.
Comprehensive Study on the Grid Fault Behavior of Grid-Forming Control for Modular Multilevel Converters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
245 Schubert, M. Fuhrmann, J. Eckel, H.-G.
Hydro-Noise Measurements for Pressurizable Underwater Power Converters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
244 Saleem, M. S. Sah, G. K. Eckel, H.-G.
Discrete-Time Cascaded-Control Design of Photovoltaic Systems for GMPPT and Power Curtailment Operations
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
243 Sah, G. K. Schütt, M. Eckel, H.-G.
Passivity Improvement of the Grid Connected VSI using Active Damping and Investigation of Inaccuracy of the Direct Discrete Plant Model
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
242 Liu, X. Li, X. Lutz, J. Fuhrmann, J. Eckel, H.-G. Basler, T.
IGBT and Free-Wheeling Diode Behavior during the Short Circuit Type III with varied Operation Conditions
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
241 To, P. H. T. Eckel, H.-G.
Clean Switching of SiC MOSFET Half-Bridge Module with Soft-Ferrite Dual Cores
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
240 To, P. H. T. Eckel, H.-G.
A Simple Analytical Model for The Reverse-Recovery Overvoltage and Oscillation in a SiC MOSFET Half-Bridge Module
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2023
239 Acharya, V. Fuhrmann, J. Eckel, H.-G.
Desaturation Pulse based Turn-off of Low-Saturation 1.2 kV IGBT’s for Reduced Turn-off Energy Losses
PCIM Europe 2023
238 To, P. Eckel, H.-G.
Active Clamping for SiC MOSFET’s Body Diode During Reverse Recovery
PCIM Europe 2023
237 To, P. Eckel, H.-G.
Experimental 500 kW Hybrid Si/SiC ANPC Inverter
PCIM Europe 2023
236 Sawallich, F. Eckel, H.-G.
Inter-chip Oscillation of paralleled SiC MOSFETs
PCIM Europe 2023
235 Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G.
Feldumklappen im ultra-fast IGBT während des Einschaltens
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2022
234 Vishwamitra Yoganath, G., Eckel, H.-G.
A simulation study of 6.5kV Inhomogeneous IGBT
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2022
233 To, P. H. T., Eckel, H.-G.
Oscillation Damping in a 500kW Hybrid Si/SiC Three-Level ANPC Inverter with Decoupling Capacitor
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
232 To, P. H. T., Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G.
Turn-on Losses Optimization for Medium Power SiC MOSFET Half-bridge Module
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
231 Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Experimental Evaluation on Observer-Based Delay-Compensating Active Damping for LC-Filters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
230 Sah, G. K., Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Overview and Evaluation of Energy Balancing Techniques for MMCs with Various Input and Output Frequencies
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
229 Plötz, T.-M., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Powercycling Test Bench with Realistic Loss Distribution and Temperature Ripples,
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
228 Neumann, Ch., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparative Lifetime Estimations for IGBT Modules in Wind Turbine Converters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
227 Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Boosting Pilot-Diode Reverse-Conducting IGBTs Turn-ON and Reverse-Recovery Losses with a Simple Gate-Control Technique
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
226 Junghans, Ch., Eckel, H.-G.
A novel parameter for the evaluation of protective circuits for IGBT explosion protection in submodules of MMC
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
225 Gierschner, M., Hein, Y., Heyen, Ch., Eckel, H.-G.
Measurement results of Multilevel Hysteresis Control for paralleled Two-Level Converters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
224 Fazli, N., Hammes, D., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Stability analysis in an inverter-dominant microgrid facing in-rush current of an induction machine
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
223 Acharya Nayampalli, V., Eckel, H.-G.
Desaturated turn-off of low-saturation IGBTs with clamping method to reduce turn-off energy losses
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2022
222 Kayser, F., Pfirsch, F., Niedernostheide, F.-J., Baburske, R., Eckel, H.-G.
Novel Si-SiC hybrid switch and its design optimization path
ISPSD 2022
221 Hammes, D., Gierschner, S., Hammes, N., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Usability of Three-Level ANPC Converters after Short-Circuit Failure
PCIM Europe 2022
220 Wang, H., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Detecting Soldering Quality in Power Modules with Zth in the Loading Phase
PCIM Europe 2022
219 Fuhrmann, J., Kayser, F., Wang, H., Eckel, H.-G.
Lotfehlstellen im Leistungsmodul mit Hilfe einer Zth-Messung erkennen
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2021
218 Scholl, F., Fuhrmann, J., da Cunha, J., Eckel, H.-G.
A new Robust Short-Circuit Protection Gate-Driver Circuit for IGBT with high Desaturation Current
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
217 Lexow, D., Tran, Q. T., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of Reverse Conducting IGBT Concepts regarding Reverse-Recovery Behavior and Gate Drive Requirements
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
216 Sah, G. K., Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
A Simplified Technique for Estimating the Filter- and Grid-Impedances for VSIs Connected to the Grid via L-Filter
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
215 Lexow, D., Tran, Q. T., Eckel, H.-G.
Outcome Improvement for Pilot Diode Reverse Conducting IGBTs through Selective Locking Time Reduction in Diode Mode
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
214 Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G.
Analysis of dv/dt Discrepancy between High Power SiC-MOSFET Inverter Output and its Semiconductors
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
213 Kaiser, I, Störmer, F., Kayser, F., To, P. H. T., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of DifferentWays Controlling the Switching Behaviour of a SiC MOSFET
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
212 Hein, Y., Heyen, Ch., Eckel, H.-G.
Multilevel Hysteresis Control with Current Balancing of paralleled Two-level Converters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
211 Acharya Nayampalli, V.. da Cunha, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Turn-off strategies for low-saturation IGBTs to reduce turn-off losses
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2021
210 Vishwamitra Yoganath, G., Tran, Q. T., Eckel, H.-G.
A Simulation study of 6.5kV Gate Controlled Diode
ISPS 2021, Prag
209 Tran, Q. T., Nidernostheide, F.-J., Pfirsch, F., Mauder, A., Baburske, R., Eckel, H.-G.
RC-GID IGBT – A novel reverse-conducting IGBT with a gate voltage independent diode characteristic and low power losses
ISPSD 2021
208 Eckel, H.-G., Neumann, Ch.
SiC for Renewables and Grid Applications
ECPE Sic & GaN User Forum 2021
207 Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G.
Hybrid Switch with SiC-MOSFET and Fast IGBT for High Power Applications
PCIM Europe 2021
206 Krupin, A., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Improvement and Measurement on Power Cycle Test Bench with Blocking and Switching Losses
PCIM Europe 2021
205 Fuhrmann, J., Kayser, F., Wang, H., Eckel, H.-G.
Challenges in Scaled High-Current SiC Measurement
PCIM Europe 2021
204 S. Gierschner, N. Fazli, H.-G. Eckel
Contribution of Converter-fed Loads to Grid Frequency Control in Islanding Scenarios
11th PEDG, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia
203 Tran, Q. T., Niedernostheide, F.-J., Pfirsch, F., Mauder, A., Baburske, R., Eckel, H.-G.
RC-GID-IGBTein rückwärts leitfähiger IGBT mit geringer Abhängigkeit der Diodencharakteristikvon der Gate-Emitter-Spannung
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2020
202 Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G.
Hybrid-Schalter aus SiC-MOSFET und schnellem Si-IGBT
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2020
201 Gierschner, M., Ganzel, S., Uster, F., Schöley, A., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Stability Analysis of Grid-Supporting Control of Type 4 Wind Energy Plants
Wind Integration Workshop 2020
200 Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Performance Improvement for Plug-In Reverse Conducting IGBTs through Gate-Voltage Observation
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2020
199 Da Cunha, J.
Measurement Based Model for the Calculation of Current Distributions Between Paralleled Power Semiconductors during High Current Operation
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2020
198 Fazli, N., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Evaluating frequency stability with consideration of load type in different share of renewables and emulated inertia in case of system split
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2020
197 Hammes, D., Gierschner, S., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Plasma Impact on Overvoltage Short-Circuit Failures in ANPC Converters
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2020
196 Kaiser, I., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of different Low Voltage Multilevel Converter Topologies for Distributed Power Generation
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2020
195 Sah, G. K., Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of Decoupling Techniques via Discrete Luenberger Style Observer for Voltage Oriented Control
European Power Electronic Conference EPE 2020
194 Fazli, N., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Tow-step inertia provision with consideration of load type in an islanded wind turbine with grid-supporting voltage control
2020 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG)
193 Fuhrmann, J., Klauke, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Finding solder cavities in high power modules with temperaturesensitive parameters
PCIM Europe digital days 2020
192 Krupin, A., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Power cycle test with switching losses and integrated hot-spot measurement
PCIM Europe digital days 2020
191 Neumann, Ch., Schidtke, R., Plötz, T.-M., Eckel, H.-G.
An Economic Evaluation of SiC-MOSFET Modules in Wind Turbine Converters
PCIM Europe digital days 2020
190 Werner, R., Da Cunha, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Transient current imbalances of multiple paralleled IGBTs
PCIM Europe digital days 2020
189 Da Cunha, J., Werner, R., Eckel, H.-G.
Asymmetric dynamic Avalanche during turn-OFF in paralleled IGBT Chips under Long Term Testing Conditions
PCIM Europe digital days 2020
188 Sawallich, F., Eckel, H.-G.
Quantification of ANSYS Q3D Extractor for inductive extraction of power modules
PCIM Europe digital days 2020
187 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Lotfehlstellen - elektrisch über temperatursensitive Parameter messbar?
Leistungshalbleiterkolloquium Freiburg (Breisgau), 2019
186 Gierschner, M., Uster, F., Schöley, A., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Small-Signal Analysis of Grid-Supporting Droop-Based Converter Control for Wind-Power Applications
Wind Integration Workshop 2019, Dublin
185 Schöley, A., Gierschner, M., Jeinsch, T.
Grid-Current Observer for Wind Energy Systems with LCL-Filter
Wind Integration Workshop 2019, Dublin
184 Neumann, C., Eckel, H.-G.
An Open-Loop Offshore Voltage Control for VSC-HVDC Systems in AC Meshed Offshore Grids with Various HVDC Technologies
Wind Integration Workshop 2019, Dublin
183 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Ultra-fast voltage clamping for fast power-semiconductor modules
EPE 2019, Genua
182 Gierschner, S., Gierschner, M., Hein, Y., Sajid, A., Eckel, H.-G.
Quasi-Two-Level Operation of a Five-Level Flying-Capacitor Converter
EPE 2019, Genua
181 Lexow, D., Tran, Q., Eckel, H.-G.
Performance Modulation of Reverse Conducting IGBT through Gate-Voltage Adjustment in Diode Conduction Mode
EPE 2019, Genua
180 Hammes, D., Fuhrmann, J., Gierschner, S., Krug. D., Eckel, H.-G.
Overvoltage Short-Circuit Failures in Three-Level ANPC Converters
EPE 2019, Genua
179 Werner, R., da Cunha, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Mutual influence of quasistatic and dynamic current imbalances of paralleled IGBTs
EPE 2019, Genua
178 Rauf, U., Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Model Predictive Control for Space Vector Modulation of a Three-Level ANPC Inverter for Efficient Loss Distribution and Neutral Point Balancing
EPE 2019, Genua
177 Fazli, N., Gierschner, S., Cai, L., Eckel, H.-G.
Island Mode Operation of Rotating-Voltage-Vector Control for Wind Power Plants
EPE 2019, Genua
176 Hein, Y., Gierschner, S., Hammes, D., Kayser, F., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Experimental Validation of Five-Level Cascaded Flying-Capacitor Converter for Machine-side Operation
EPE 2019, Genua
175 Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Discrete Active Damping Control Design for LCL-Resonances Using Observer
EPE 2019, Genua
174 Störmer, F., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Increased Short-Circuit Capability of SiC-MOSFETs by Gate-Drive Unit
PCIM 2019, Nürnberg
173 da Cunha, J., Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
A Long Duration Test-Bench for a 6.5kV RC-IGBT Full Bridge Inverter
PCIM 2019, Nürnberg
172 Hammes, D., Werner, R., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Parallel Short-Circuits in three-level ANPC converters
PCIM 2019, Nürnberg
171 Fuhrmann, J., Werner, R., da Cunha, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Enhancing short-circuit capability of high-performance IGBTs by gate-drive unit
PCIM 2019, Nürnberg
170 Werner, R., Weigel, J., Böhmer, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Potential of passive feedbacks to reduce dynamic current imbalances of paralleled IGBTs
PCIM 2019, Nürnberg
169 Plötz, T.-M., Kirchner, I., Eckel, H.-G.
Short Circuit Current Reduction in Hybrid Multilevel Converters for Traction Applications
EPE 2018, Riga
168 Hammes. D., Fuhrmann, J., Hein, Y., Gierschner, S., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Series Short-Circuit Failures in three-level ANPC converters
EPE 2018, Riga
167 Fazli, N., Gierschner, M., Gierschner, S., Cai, L., Eckel, H.-G.
Rotating-Voltage-Vector Control for Wind Energy Plants providing Possibility for Ancillary
EPE 2018, Riga
166 Hein, Y., Gierschner, S., Hammes. D., Kayser, F., Krug, D., Zierath, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Reduction of negative effects of a short circuit through improved converter topology for wind energy applications
EPE 2018, Riga
165 Kaiser, I., Eckel, H.-G.
Investigation of Submodule Capacitor Voltage Fluctuation of a Modular Multilevel Converter under Unbalanced Grid Conditions
EPE 2018, Riga
164 Schrader, R., Münster, P., Cordt, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Influences of gate-circuit and parasitic inductances on turn-off current imbalances of paralleled IGBTs due to differences in their switching behaviour
EPE 2018, Riga
163 Gierschner, M., Gierschner, S., Schöley, A., Cai, L., Eckel, H.-G.
Influence of Dynamic Misorientation of PLL for Small-Signal Analysis of Converter Control in Weak Grids
EPE 2018, Riga
162 Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Impacts of Diode Surge Currents on Reverse Conducting IGBT Controlled by Optimized Gate-Drive Unit
EPE 2018, Riga
161 Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Design and Analysis of Discrete Current Regulators for VSIs
EPE 2018, Riga
160 Lexow, D., Tran, Q. T., Eckel, H.-G.
Concept for an IGBT Desaturation Pulse to Reduce Turn-OFF Losses
EPE 2018, Riga
159 Kayser, F., Fuhrmann, J., Hammes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
High-inductive zero-voltage commutations within active-neutral point-clamped inverters
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
158 Störmer, F., Eckel, H.-G.
SiC-Hybrid Three Level T-Type Rectifier
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
157 Lexow, D., Wiencke, H., Eckel, H.-G.
Improved Gate-Drive Unit for RC-IGBT to Overcome Load Current Disturbance in Static MOS-Control
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
156 Laska, B., Weigel, J., Buchholz, S., Brekel, W., Wissen, M., Gutt, T., Schrader, R., Münster, P., Plötz, T.-M., Kirchner, I., Eckel, H.-G.
New Traction Converter with low Inductive High-Voltage Half Bridge IGBT Module
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
155 Störmer, F., Eckel, H.-G., Pfirsch, F., Niedernostheide, F.-J.
Switching Behavior of SiC-MOSFETs in High Power Modules
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
154 Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Commutation Characteristics During Switching of Hybrid SiC and Si Configurations
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
153 da Cunha, J., Fuhrmann, J., Lexow, D., Hammes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
A New Combined VGE and VCE Based Short-Circuit Detection for High-IC,desat HV-IGBTs and RC-IGBTs
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
152 Schrader, R., Münster, P., Eckel, H.-G.
Dynamic Current Sharing and Gate Feedback During Turn-OFF of Paralleled IGBTs
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
151 Wiencke, H., Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Short-Circuit Behavior of 6.5 kV RC-IGBT
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
150 Hammes, D., Fuhrmann, J., Schrader, R., Gierschner, S., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Plasma-induced Diode Short-Circuit in Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
149 Gierschner, S., Kayser, F., Hammes, D., Hein, Y., Krug, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Experimental Validation of Three-Level Advanced-Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter for Grid Operation
PCIM 2018, Nürnberg
148 Gierschner, S., Hammes, D., Hein, Y., Kayser, F., Eckel, H.-G., Krug, D.
Back-to-Back Configuration of Multilevel Converters Providing Redundant Operation Mode
IEEE PEDS 2017, Honolulu
147 Rump, T., Eckel, H.-G., Duckwitz, D., Glöckler, C.
Emergency Islanding Scenario with df/dt-based Inertia Emulation, different Load Types and additional Load Control
Wind Integration Workshop 2017, Berlin
146 Neumann, C., Eckel, H.-G., Achenbach, S., Augsburger, F.
Auxiliary Power Supply in a FixReF Controlled Offshore Wind Power Plant with Diode Rectifier HVDC Transmission
Wind Integration Workshop 2017, Berlin
145 Münster, P., Eckel, H.-G.
Einfluss des Self Turn-On auf das IGBT-Kurzschlussverhalten
46. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2017, Freiburg
144 Fuhrmann, J., Hammes, D., Münster, P., Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Short-circuit detection based on gate-emitter voltage of high-voltage IGBTs
EPE 2017, Warschau
143 Hammes, D., Fuhrmann, J., Gierschner, S., Beuermann, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Short-Circuit Behavior of the Three-Level Advanced-Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter
EPE 2017, Warschau
142 Kaiser, I., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Quasi-resonant switched inverter with integrated sinusoidal filter
EPE 2017, Warschau
141 Lexow, D., Wiencke, H., Fleisch, K., Domes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Optimized Control Method for Reverse Conducting IGBTs
EPE 2017, Warschau
140 Gierschner, S., Hammes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Influence on Conduction Losses of Current-Direction Detection of the BIGT in the Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter
EPE 2017, Warschau
139 Münster, P.,, Schrader, R., Tran, Q. T., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Influence of Gate Structures and Electrical Boundary Conditions on Self Turn-On of HV IGBTs
EPE 2017, Warschau
138 Schütt, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Design and Analysis of Complex Vector Current Regulators for Modular Multilevel Converters
EPE 2017, Warschau
137 Kirchner, I., Plötz, T.-M., Eckel, H.-G.
Control of a cascaded hybrid multilevel converter for the use in rail vehicles
EPE 2017, Warschau
136 Plötz, T.-M., Kirchner, I., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of multilevel converter topologies for traction drives considering reduced transformer leakage inductance
EPE 2017, Warschau
135 Gierschner, S., Hammes, D., Beuermann, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Five-Level Cascaded Flying-Capacitor Converter
PCIM 2017, Nürnberg
134 Münster, P., Lexow, D., Cordt, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Combination of Forward-Voltage Measurement and Short-Circuit Detection for high-voltage RC-IGBTs
PCIM 2017, Nürnberg
133 Appel, T., Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Design of Inductive Components for Triangular Current Mode (TCM) Inverters up to 500 kW
PCIM 2017, Nürnberg
132 Gierschner, S., Hammes, D., Hein, Y., Eckel, H.-G.
Redundant Operation Mode of the Three-Level Advanced-Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter for Wind Energy Application
PCIM 2017, Nürnberg
131 Fuhrmann, J., Hammes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Low voltage AC/DC overcurrent breaker with 650 V IGBTs
PCIM 2017, Nürnberg
130 Rump, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison between different power system frequency measurement methods for converter applications providing ancillary services
PEDG 2017, Florianopolis
129 Rump, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Which battery charger components should be included in power system stability studies of controllable load strategies?
PEDG 2017, Florianopolis
128 Prignitz, C., Eckel, H.-G., Achenbach, S.
A Fault Handling Current Control Strategy for Offshore Wind Turbines in Interconnected Offshore Wind Farms with Different Types of HVDC Transmission
PEDG 2017, Florianopolis
127 Eckel, H.-G., Münster, P.
Untersuchung des Self-Turn-On für HV-IGBT
45. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2016, Freiburg
126 Prignitz, C., Achenbach, S., Eckel, H.-G.
FixReF: A Current Control Strategy for Offshore Wind Turbines Connected to Different Types of HVDC Transmission
Wind Integration Workshop 2016, Wien
125 Fuhrmann, J., Hammes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Short-circuit behavior of high-voltage IGBTs
IECON 2016, Florenz
124 Hammes, D., Gierschner, S., Fuhrmann, J., Beuermann, M., Eckel, H.-G.
High-inductive short-circuit Type IV in multi-level converter protection schemes
IECON 2016, Florenz
123 Prignitz, C., Knaak, H.-J., Eckel, H.-G.
Voltage and current behaviour in a FixReF controlled offshore wind farm using a HVDC transmission system based on uncontrolled diode rectifier units
EPE 2016, Karlsruhe
122 Münster, P., Tran, Q. T., Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Current Imbalance affected by Self Turn-on during Turn-on of paralleled HV-IGBTs
EPE 2016, Karlsruhe
121 Wiencke, H., Lexow, D., Tran, Q. T., Krafft, E., Eckel, H.-G.
Plasma Dynamic of RC-IGBT during Desaturation Pulses
EPE 2016, Karlsruhe
120 Kirchner, I. , Plötz, T.-M., Eckel, H.-G.
Design of a cascaded hybrid multilevel converter for traction application
EPE 2016, Karlsruhe
119 Gierschner, S., Fuhrmann, J., Münster, P., Hammes, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Current-Direction Detection for Static MOS-Control of the BIGT in the Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter
EPE 2016, Karlsruhe
118 Fuhrmann, J., Klauke, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Short-Circuit Behavior of series-connected High-Voltage IGBTs
EPE 2016, Karlsruhe
117 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Equivalent circuit for IGBT short circuit during ON-state
ISPS 2016, Prag
116 Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Lifetime Estimation of the BIGT in ANPC Converter and T-Type Converter for Wind Energy Application
PEMD 2016, Glasgow
115 Prignitz, C., Achenbach, S., Augsburger, F., Schön, A., Eckel, H.-G.
FixReF: a control strategy for offshore wind farms with different wind turbine types and diode rectifier HVDC transmission
PEDG 2016, Vancouver
114 Gierschner, S., Hammes, D., Fuhrmann, J., Beuermann, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Fault-Tolerant Behaviour of the Three-Level Advanced Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter
PCIM 2016, Nürnberg
113 Münster, P., Lexow, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Effect of Self Turn-ON during turn-on of HV-IGBTs
PCIM 2016, Nürnberg
112 Fuhrmann, J., Klauke, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Passive IGBT turn-off during short-circuit type V
PCIM 2016, Nürnberg
111 Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Lifetime Estimation of the BIGT in ANPC Converter and T-Type Converter for Wind Energy Application
110 Fuhrmann, J., Klauke, S., Eckel, H.-G.
IGBT and Diode Behavior during Short-Circuit Type 3
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 62 (11): 3786 – 3791, 2015
109 Fuhrmann, J.
Zusammenspiel von IGBT und Diode im Kurzschluss Fall 3
44. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2015, Freiburg
108 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Interaction between IGBT, Diode and Parasitic Inductances during Short-Circuit-Type 3
EPE 2015, Genf
107 Prignitz, C., Eckel, H.-G., Knaak, H.-J.
DFIG Wind Turbines Operating in a Fixed Reference Frame
EPE 2015, Genf
106 Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G., Hiller, M., Weiß, D.
Potential of RC-IGBTs in Three Level Converters for Wind Energy Application
EPE 2015, Genf
105 Gierschner, S., Rump, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Lifetime Estimation for Three Level Converter for Wind Energy Application
PEDG 2015, Aachen
104 Prignitz, C., Eckel, H.-G., Rafoth, A.
FixReF sinusoidal control in linee side converters for offshore wind power generation
PEDG 2015, Aachen
103 Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G., Hiller, M.
Potential of RC-IGBTs in Three Phase Three Level Converters
PCIM 2015, Nürnberg
102 Münster, P., Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Impact of the dynamic avalanche on the electrical behavior of HV-IGBTs
PCIM 2015, Nürnberg
101 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Dynamic Avalanche in High Voltage Diodes during Short Circuit III
PCIM 2015, Nürnberg
100 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Implementation of a Space Vector Modulation for an advanced ANPC Three Level Inverter
ICIT 2015, Sevilla
99 Rump, T., Eckel, H.-G., Gierschner, M.
Stabilität im Verbundnetz mit leistungelektronisch angekoppelten Erzeugern und Verbrauchern
VDE Kongress 2014
98 Fuhrmann, J.
Untersuchung der Kurzschluss-Typ-3 Robustheit von Hochvolt-Dioden
43. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2014, Freiburg
97 Rump, T.
Power System Oscillation Damping with Wind Power Plants
International Wind Engineering Conference IWEC 2014, Hannover
96 Müller, M.
Anode Controlled Diode (ACD) – A New Concept for Low Loss Free-Wheeling Diode
ISPS 2014, Prag
95 Gierschner, S., Fuhrmann, J., Hiller, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Active Rectifier with extended Operating Range
EPE 2014, Lappeenranta
94 Gierschner, M., Knaak, H.-J., Eckel, H.-G.
Fixed-Reference-Frame-Control: A novel robust control concept for grid side inverters in HVDC connected weak offshore grids
EPE 2014, Lappeenranta
93 Weiß, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of the Power Cycling Stress of IGBT in DFIG and Full Size Converter for Windenergy Applications
EPE 2014, Lappeenranta
92 Münster, P., Hermann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Advanced active dv/dt filter for inverter powered drives with charge pulse and motor sided capacitance.
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
91 Fuhrmann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Advanced Active Neutral Point Three Level Inverter with Standard Half-Bridges Modules
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
90 Rump, T., Appel, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Zero-Voltage-Switching Clamped Voltage DC/DC Buck Converter with SiC Power Devices
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
89 Appel, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Switching Losses Mechanisms of Unipolar Devices with Large Parasitic Capacitances
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
88 Schumann, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Non-destructive analysis of an IGBT for switching simulation with the Charge Extraction Model
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
87 Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Influence of the charge distribution on the electrical behavior of the BIGT
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
86 Weiß, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Potential of RC-IGBT in Full Size Converters for Wind Energy Application
PCIM 2014, Nürnberg
85 Schumann, J.
Spezielle Effekte beim Abschalten von BIGT
42. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2013, Freiburg
84 Müller, M., Eckel, H.-G., Pfirsch, F.
Diode mit steuerbarer Anodeneffizienz
42. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2013, Freiburg
83 Appel, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Bipolar Reverse Recovery Behavior of the Body-Diode of a SiC JFET
EPE 2013, Lille
82 Weiß, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Fundamental Frequency and Mission ProfileWearout of IGBT in DFIG Converters for Windpower
EPE 2013, Lille
81 Schröder, M., Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of different control techniques for grid side VSC in terms of losses and current harmonics
EPE 2013, Lille
80 Schumann, J., Böhmer, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Simulation of the IGBT switching-off with the charge extraction model
EPE 2013, Lille
79 Rump, T., Eckel, H.-G., Weiß, D.
Efficiency Comparison of 690V-Converter Topologies for Wind Power Plants with DFIG
EPE 2013, Lille
78 Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
A competitive medium frequency AC distribution grid for offshore wind farms using HVDC
EPE 2013, Lille
77 Böhmer, J., Schumann, J., Fleisch, K., Eckel, H.-G.
Current mismatch during switching due to the self-turn-off effect in paralleled IGBT
EPE 2013, Lille
76 Eckel, H.-G.
Stablisierung des Verbundnetzes durch leistungselektronisch gesteuerte Lasten.
Workshop Smart Grid im Norden, 2013, Hannover.
75 Schröder, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Influence of variable dc link voltage for grid side VSC control techniques in terms of current harmonics.
PCIM Europe 2013, Nürnberg
74 Gierschner, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Offshore wind park AC grids with higher frequency.
PCIM Europe 2013, Nürnberg
73 Wigger, D., Weiß, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Impact of inhomogeneous current distribution on the turn-off behaviour of BIGTs.
PCIM Europe 2013, Nürnberg
72 Weiß, D., Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Potential of RC-IGBT in the Rotor Side Converter of DFIG for Wind Energy Application.
PCIM Europe 2013, Nürnberg
71 Eckel, H.-G., Wigger, D.
690 V line side inverters with improved reactive power capability for wind power integration.
PCIM Europe 2013, Nürnberg
70 Appel, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Influence of Parasitic Inductances on the Switching Behavior of SiC JFET.
PCIM Europe 2013, Nürnberg
69 Eckel, H.-G.
Converters and Semiconductors for Wind Power Plants.
ECPE Workshop Power Electronics in the Electrical Network (Renewables, Energy Storage, Grid Stability), 2013, Kassel.
68 Eckel, H.-G.
When the Device has been Killed – Failure Behaviour of Inverters in Drive Applications.
ECPE Workshop on Power Semiconductor Robustness, 2012, München.
67 Eckel, H.-G., Böhmer, J., Pierstorf, S.
Elektrische Belastung der Leistungshalbleiter beim Schalten
in : Schröder, D. „Leistungselektronische Schaltungen“, 3. Auflage, 2012, Springer Verlag, S. 873 - 913
66 Eckel, H.-G., Wigger, J.
Leistungshalbleiter für die dezentrale Energieeinspeisung
VDE Kongress 2012, Stuttgart
65 Schumann, J
Ein physikalisch basiertes 1D-Modell für das Abschalten von IGBT
41. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration, 2011, Freiburg
64 Böhmer, J., Schumann, J, Eckel, H.-G.
Effect of the miller-capacitance during switching transients of IGBT and MOSFET
EPE-PEMC 2012, Novi Sad
63 Schumann, J, Eckel, H.-G.
Charge carrier extraction IGBT model for circuit simulators
EPE-PEMC 2012, Novi Sad
62 Böhmer, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Effect of the miller-capacitance during turn-off of IGBTs at different temperatures
ISPS 2012, Prag
61 Appel, T., Eckel, H.-G.
Reverse Recovery Behavior of the Body Diode of the SiC MOSFET
PCIM Europe 2012, Nürnberg
60 Pierstorf, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Short-circuit behavior of diodes in voltage source inverters
PCIM Europe 2012, Nürnberg
59 Wigger, D., Weiß, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Scaling of chip-level to module-level for RC-IGBTs and conventional IGBTs
PCIM Europe 2012, Nürnberg
58 Weiss, D., Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of output power and power cycling capability of BIGT and IGBT/diode inverters dependent on modulation degree and fundamental frequency
PCIM Europe 2012, Nürnberg
57 Eckel, H.-G., Wigger, D.
Modular Multilevel Converters with Reverse-Conducting IGBT
PCIM Europe 2012, Nürnberg
56 Böhmer, J.
Wirkung der Miller-Kapazität beim Abschalten von IGBT und MOSFET
40. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration. 2011, Freiburg
55 Runge, J., Eckel, H.-G.
Einfluß von Asynchronmaschinen auf Netzpendelungen
ETG Kongress 2011
54 Böhmer, J., Schumann, J., Eckel, H,-G.
Negative differential miller capacitance during switching transients of IGBTs.
EPE 2011, Birmingham
53 Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of chip- and module-measurements with high power IGBTs and RC-IGBTs.
EPE 2011, Birmingham
52 Eckel, H.-G., Runge, J.
Comparison of the Semiconductor Losses in Self Commutated Inverter Topologies for HVDC.
EPE 2011, Birmingham
51 Eckel, H.-G.
Power Semiconductor Fundamentals – What happens inside the IGBT during switching?
ECPE Workshop "Electronics around the Power Switch: Gate Drivers, Sensors & Control", 2011, München
50 Weiß, D., Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
New test bench concept for RC-IGBT.
PCIM Europe 2011, Nürnberg
49 Eckel, H.-G., Wigger, D.
Comparison of the Output Power of RC-IGBT and IGBT / Diode Inverters
PCIM Europe 2011, Nürnberg
48 Pierstorf, S., Eckel, H,-G.
Different Short Circuit Types of IGBT Voltage Source Inverters.
PCIM Europe 2011, Nürnberg
47 Eckel, H.-G., Wigger, D.
Potential rückwärts leitfähiger IGBT aus Sicht der Anwendung.
39. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungs-Bauelemente und ihre Systemtechnische Integration.
2010, Freiburg
46 Pierstorf, S., Eckel, H.-G.
Kurzschlussverhalten von Umrichtern mit HV-IGBT
13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, 2010, Rostock
45 Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of the conducting and switching behavior of a BIGT and a conventional IGBT
13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, 2010, Rostock
44 Eckel, H.-G.
Moderne Hochleistungshalbleiter in der Energie- und Antriebstechnik
13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, 2010, Rostock
43 Schumann, J., Pierstorf, S., Eckel, H.-G
Influence of the Gate Drive on the Short-Circuit Type II and Type III Behaviour of HV-IGBT.
PCIM Europe 2010, Nürnberg
42 Wigger, D., Eckel, H.-G.
Comparison of the Power Cycling Stress between IGBT and BIGT Inverters.
PCIM Europe 2010, Nürnberg
41 Eckel, H.-G., Krafft, E. U.
Alternating Switching of Inductive Decoupled IGBTs in Voltage Source Inverters.
EPE 2009, Barcelona
40 Eckel, H.-G.
Potential of Reverse Conducting IGBTs in Voltage Source Inverters
International Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality
PCIM Europe 2009, Nürnberg, 2009
39 Eckel, H.-G.
Robustness Requirements for Semiconductors in High Power Systems
ECPE Workshop on Power Semiconductor Robustness, München, 2009
38 Eckel, H.-G., Fleisch, K.
Turn-off behaviour of high voltage NPT- and FS-IGBT
13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
PEMC 2008, Poznan
37 Eckel, H.-G.
Stromrichter für elektrische Triebfahrzeuge
in D. Schröder: Leistungselektronische Schaltungen – Funktion, Auslegung und Anwendung, Springer Verlag, 2. Auflage, S. 1009 - 1031, 2008
36 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Power Electronics Technologies for Locomotives.
4th Power Conversion Conference
PCC 2007, Nagoya.
35 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G., Nagel, A.
Moderne Leistungselektronik im Lokomotiveinsatz.
Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2007
34 Eckel, H.-G., Bakran, M.
Robustness and turn-off losses of high voltage IGBT.
12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2007, Aalborg.
33 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G., Helsper, M., Nagel, A.
Next Generation of IGBT-Modules Applied to High Power Traction.
12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2007, Aalborg.
32 Eckel, H.-G.
Grenzenloser Verkehr – Stromrichterkonzepte für Mehrsystemlokomotiven und -triebzüge.
Antriebstechnik 3/2007, S. 26 - 33
31 Eckel, H.-G., Bakran, M., Helsper, M.
Komutierungsverhalten von IGBT in Hochleistungsumrichtern.
35. Kolloquium Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente und ihre systemtechnische Integration, 2006, Freiburg.
30 Eckel, H.-G., Bakran, M.
Modern high-voltage IGBTs and their turn-off performance.
32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IECON 2006, Paris.
29 Bakran, M., Helsper, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Multiple turn-on of IGBTs in large inverters.
32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IECON 2006, Paris.
28 Bakran, M., Helsper, M., Eckel, H.-G., Fleisch, K.
Schaltverhalten von Hochleistungshalbleitern in Umrichtern mit verkoppelten Kommutierungskreisen.
ETG Fachtagung „Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik und ihre Anwendungen“, Bad Nauheim, 2006.
27 Eckel, H.-G., Bakran, M.
Mehrsystem-Traktionsstromrichter für Hochleistungslokomotiven und -triebzüge
Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2005, Dresden.
26 Bakran, M., Helsper, M., Eckel, H.-G., Nagel, A.
A new Family of Modular IGBT Converters for Traction Applications.
11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2005, Dresden.
25 Bakran, M., Helsper, M., Eckel, H.-G., Nagel, A.
Multicommutation of IGBTs in large inverters.
11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2005, Dresden.
24 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
The use of IGBT in Traction Converters.
International Power Electronics Conference,
IPEC 2005, Niigata, 2005.
23 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
A novel 2 level power converter with 6.5kV IGBTs for multisystem locomotives.
International Power Electronics Conference,
IPEC 2005, Niigata, 2005.
22 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G., Eckert, P., Gambach, H., Wenkemann, U.:
Comparison of Multi-System Traction Converters for High-Power Locomotives.
IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
PESC 2004, Aachen, 2004.
21 Eckel, H.-G. ,Bakran, M., Budig, O., Fleisch, K., Krafft, E. U.
Traction Converter for Multi-System Locomotive with 6.5kV IGBT.
10th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2003, Toulouse, 2003.
20 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G., Helsper, M., Nagel, A.
Challenges in using the latest Generation of IGBTs Traction Converters.
10th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2003, Toulouse, 2003

auch veröffentlicht in:
EPE Journal, Heft 4/2005, S. 13 - 18
19 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Moderne Traktionsstromrichter für Nah- und Fernverkehr.
ETG Fachtagung „Zukunftsweisende Bahntechnik“, Dresden, 2002
18 Bakran, M.. Eckel, H.-G.
Einsatz von IGBT in Traktionsstromrichtern.
ETG Fachtagung „Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik und ihre Anwendungen“, Bad Nauheim, 2002
ausgezeichnet mit dem VDE/ETG-Award 2003
17 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Einsatz von IGBT-Traktionsstromrichtern in Nah- und Fernverkehrstriebfahrzeugen.
Elektrische Bahnen, 10/2001, S. 408 - 414.
16 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Traction Converter with 6.5 kV IGBT Modules.
9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE 2001, Graz, 2001
15 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Trends in IGBT Traction Converters.
International Conference Railway Traction Systems,
Capri, 2001, Conference Record, S. 20 - 38.
14 Bakran, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Evolution of IGBT Converters for Mass Transit Applications.
35. IAS Annual Meeting, Rom, 2000.
13 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L., Rascher, K.
FPGA based Control of an ARCP-Inverter without additional Sensors.
7th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE '97, Trondheim, 1997, Conference Record, vol. 4, S. 385 - 390.
12 Eckel, H.-G.
Series Connection of IGBTs in Zero Voltage Switching Inverters.
30th International Power Conversion Conference,
PCIM '97 Europe, Nürnberg, 1997, Official Proceedings, S. 327 - 334.
11 Eckel, H.-G.
Kurzschlußschutz beim Einsatz von MOS gesteuerten Thyristoren in Spannungszwischenkreis-Umrichtern,
Dissertation, Erlangen 1997
10 Finzel, R., Bruckmann, M., Eckel, H.-G.
Switching Characteristics of MCTs in hard and soft Switching Inverters.
29th International Power Conversion Conference,
PCIM '96 Europe, Nürnberg, 1996, Official Proceedings, S. 53 - 62

auch veröffentlicht in:
PCIM Europe, International Magazine for Power Electronics,
Heft 3/97, S. 122 - 126.
9 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Snubber Circuits for MOS Controlled Thyristors.
29th International Power Conversion Conference, PCIM '96 Europe, Nürnberg, 1996, Official Proceedings, S. 573 - 584.
8 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Optimization of the Short-Circuit Behaviour of NPT-IGBT by the Gate Drive.
6th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE '95, Sevilla, 1995, Conference Record, vol. 2, S. 213 - 218.

auch veröffentlicht in:
EPE Journal, Heft 3-4/96, S. 20 - 26.
7 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Short-Circuit Protection for MCT Voltage-Source Inverters.
28th International Power Conversion Conference,
PCIM '95 Europe, Nürnberg, 1995, Official Proceedings, S. 275 - 288.
6 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Gate Drive Circuit for Optimized On-State Short-Circuit Behaviour of IGBTs.
International Conference on Power Electronics, Motion Control,
PEMC '94, Warschau, 1994, Conference Record, S. 818 - 823.
5 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Experimental Investigation on the Behaviour of IGBT at Short-Circuit during the On-State
20th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation,
IECON '94, Bologna, 1994, Conference Record, vol. 1, S. 118 - 123.
4 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Optimization of the Turn-Off Performance of IGBT at Overcurrent and Short-Circuit Current.
5th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE '93, Brighton, 1993, Conference Record, vol. 2, S. 317 - 322.
3 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Features of MOS Controlled Thyristors in Voltage-Source Inverters.
26th International Power Conversion Conference,
PCIM '93 Europe, Nürnberg, 1993, Official Proceedings, S. 298 – 311
2 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
IGBT-Treiberschaltung mit verbessertem Kurzschlußschutz durch zweistufige Ansteuerung.
37. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, TU Ilmenau, 1992, Band 1, S. 326 - 311.
1 Eckel, H.-G., Sack, L.
Low Loss Operation of Bipolar Transistor Power Stages.
4th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,
EPE '91, Florenz, 1991, Conference Record, vol. 1, S. 176 - 181.